Love Your Body

Love Your Body Program

Get Out of The Diet Cycle And Learn How
To Love Your Body Once & For All

Are you exhausted from dieting and constantly trying to find the right formula that will finally enable you to lose weight, have oodles of energy, and actually feel good about your body?

If you are like me, you have probably tried a long list of things - diets, cleanses or detoxes, fitness programs, gym memberships. Each time feeling more like a failure when it didn’t give you the results you so desperately want or when you just couldn’t stick with it.

Did you know that the average woman spends an entire month each year worrying about her appearance?

Based on the average life expectancy, that could be up to 5 1/2 YEARS spent thinking about her looks and her body. Worrying about what other people think of her or her weight. Wishing she looked differently or feeling badly about herself.

I don’t know about you, but that makes me so sad (and a little angry, to be honest).

What would you do if you could get an extra month of time each year in your life?

  • Spend more time with family and friends?

  • Go on a vacation or travel?

  • Take time off?

  • Learn a new skill?

  • Get caught up at work (or on your to-do list)?

  • Be more present in your kids lives?

  • Start a new business?

  • Take up a new hobby?

If you’ve been stuck in the diet cycle, focused on changing your body or losing weight, then every year you are missing out on a month of your life.

I know how you feel, I felt the same way.

For decades, I was desperate to lose weight. So I did the juice cleanses, the lemon cleanses, the extreme fitness programs. And eventually - I lost all the weight.

And spoiler: I still felt unhappy with my body. Instead of feeling obsessed about losing weight, now I was obsessing with keeping it off. My life revolved around fitness and exercise - and so did everyone around me. Because I couldn't eat normal food, family dinners always started with an email to me asking what was on my "okay to eat" list.

People said I looked awesome and always asked how I was so skinny. My response was always the same "You probably don't want to eat/live like I do." And yet - it still took me a few years to figure out I didn't want to eat/live like that either.

If you've tried multiple diet and exercise programs and nothing has worked yet you're still looking for an answer, then you need to understand WHY none of them work:

They are not working because you are focused on hating your body and wanting to change it, versus making choices from a place of love and respect, knowing that your body is good and is worthy.

Making decisions from a place of hating your body and wanting it to change or “fix” it, versus loving your body, seeing its value and wanting to nourish it are two VERY different places.

Understanding this difference is what will give you the results you are looking for!

Just imagine what your life would be like if you....

  • wake up feeling energized and excited about your life

  • wear whatever you want to wear (without caring what other people think!)

  • say 'YES' to going to the beach, or going swimming in a cute swimsuit

  • say YES to wearing tank tops, sleeveless shirts, shorts - without worrying about hiding your body!

  • were able to enjoy eating and not feel stressed about what to eat (or feel shameful for eating it)

  • had motivation to move your body and workout, because you know what makes you feel good

  • are able to confidently and kindly say no to what doesn't feel good to you (and mean it!)

Your life CAN be like this.

It’s why I created the Love Your Body Program. To help you finally break free from diet culture and love your body at any size. To create a vision of health and wellness that works for YOU in your life - right now.

A 13-Week Coaching Program To Help You Get of The Diet Cycle,
Heal Your Relationship With Food and Exercise, and step out of the struggle
so that you can love your body once and for all!

Where we use the four pillars of our Self-Love Formula to guide you in developing a new relationship with your body, one based on love, re-learning how to listen to your body's needs, and defining health for yourself. It puts you in the driver's seat of your life, to create your vision of health and wellness!


Over the course of 13 weeks, you will:

✓ learn about diet culture and the lies it has brainwashed you to believe that keep you stuck in a cycle of yo-yo dieting, weight loss obsession, and low self-esteem.

✓ build your confidence with setting boundaries, prioritizing your self-care, and saying “goodbye” to overwhelm (and your toxic relationship with ‘busyness’)

✓ ditch diets for good and discover the power of intuitive eating, to honour your body’s needs, understand how to recognize hunger, and stop over-eating in its tracks

✓ heal your relationship with exercise and build joyful movement into your life, which means letting go of struggles with inconsistency and motivation (and hello to feeling strong in your body!)

✓ build a support network of other people and women who are on the same journey as you, who will be there to encourage you in low moments, share in your struggles, and celebrate your success

✓ learn strategies to develop emotional resilience and embrace challenges, so you can experience long-term success and behaviour change

✓ have access to a safe space where you can ask questions, learn from experts in our community, ask questions, and be comfortable exploring/building the vision of who you want to be!


what you get:

  • Weekly live check-ins over Zoom with other group participants, led and facilitated by Courtney Gioia (Body Image & Mindful Eating Coach)

  • A beautiful digital copy of our Love Your Body Transformation Workbook

  • Lifetime digital access to our Love Your Body program, so you will benefit from all future updates and additions to the program (plus - the ability to go through the program at your own pace!)

  • Access to our private Facebook group, only available to current program participants

  • Access to the Loyobo Community Facebook group

  • For new clients: 3 months of our Tier 2 “Teal Membership ($447 Retail Value) with unlimited access to our live group fitness classes, On Demand Video library, weekly coaching calls, anti-diet cooking calls, and more.

Introducing loyobo CEO, Founder & Body Image Coach
Courtney gioia!

If we haven't met yet - Hi!

My name is Courtney and my passion is guiding women (and those marginalized by the patriary) on the pathway to radical body acceptance, using fitness as a way to build their confidence and feel strong, in order to help them take up space in their lives.

I started Loyobo because I learned through my own journey just how broken the fitness and health industries are. How the model that the fitness industry presents to us as the answer keeps us stuck and feeling worse.

My journey with health, as well as my struggles around body image and weight loss inspired me to become an ACE Certified Fitness Professional. After working for years within the fitness industry and seeing my clients struggle with the same issues as me, my mission now is to prove that there is another way. To help women step out of the struggle and into self-love!

I want more women to take up space in their lives, in their communities, and in positions of power. In order to do that, you need to have the confidence, self-belief, and trust to know you can - and you need to stop wasting time worrying about your weight or what your body looks like.

I would love to meet you and would be honoured to be a part of your journey. YOU aren't broken - the fitness, diet and health industries are. And I am determined to show you there is a better way forward.

Invest in yourself & your well-being!


All three options provide you with lifetime access to the Love Your Body Transformation Workbook, including any future additions and edits.

Plus - Current Loyobo Members receive 10% off the purchase price!

If you are new to the Loyobo Community, you will also receive 3 months of our Tier 2 “Teal” membership (that’s a $477 value!), which gives you unlimited access to our live fitness classes, weekly coaching calls, On Demand Video Library, cooking calls, and more.

The application period for our Flexible Cost option for the Fall 2023 Program is open until 11:59PM EST on September 3, 2023.


What if I don't have Facebook?

Our weekly group coaching sessions happen over ZOOM and you will receive digital access via pdf of the program's Transformation Workbook. So, while you do not need Facebook to access the course and coaching calls, we highly recommend it! The Facebook group is how you are able to connect with other participants, ask questions and receive support between calls, and is a huge value added to the program.

What sort of time commitment does the program require?

We recommend putting aside 1-2 hours a week to spend with the readings and reflection activities, in addition to the weekly coaching call itself (90 minutes).

Is there a way that I can meet with Courtney to find out more?

Absolutely! You can book a Discovery call with her here.

She also offers intimate Body Breakthrough calls, which is an amazing first step. It is the perfect opportunity to share your story, what you are struggling with, and create an individualized action plan to help you move forward in your self-love journey. Courtney can help you figure out if the Love Your Body program is the right fit for you and create the foundation for your success. Book your call here.

Who is this program for? How will I know if its the right fit for me?

This program is designed for women who are ready to explore a new kind of relationship with their body: one based on love, trust, and embracing self-care. It is not a quick fix, but requires a willingness to be vulnerable, show up each week, and to ask some tough questions.

It is the right fit for you if want to achieve real, long lasting change in your life!

Here are a few other signs this program is for you:
For years, you have tried different diets, weight loss programs, or fitness routines, and they never seem to "stick" or get you the results you want.
You are tired of feeling stuck and hating your body.
You want more energy, better sleep, to feel confident naked (and have a better sex life to prove it!), and have less aches and pains.
You want to create a consistent movement and self-care routine that works for you!
You have struggled with feeling alone in your journey and know you would benefit from having a strong support system. You want to feel like you belong to a community of women who understand what you are going through and give you a boost when you need it!
You are ready to invest in your well-being and self-care.

What if I have an eating disorder or am currently in recovery?

This course could be a great addition to your recovery journey. Courtney is trauma-informed and has experience working with those in recovery. The language used in this program supports a loving relationship with food and your body, using language that reflects those goals. It is advised you discuss this program with your team before registering. If you have questions, please book a Discovery call with Courtney here!

How often does this program run?

The Love Your Body Program only runs a few times each year. If you are not ready yet to take the step, make sure to get on our waitlist to be the first in line for the next round! To join the waitlist, click here to add your name to the waitlist

How long does the program last? How long do I have access for?

The live component of the program lasts for 12 weeks, during which time you have access to the private Facebook Community space. Love Your Body program graduates have access to the Transformation Workbook for LIFE, including all future updates and additions

Are there lower price options if I am not yet ready to invest in the program?

Yes - we are opening up 2 spots in this session with our Flexible Cost Program. Our Flexible Cost program is designed to alleviate some of the financial burden of the program cost. It is an option for those who may be experiencing temporary or long-term financial hardship, systemic oppression, or other situations that prevent you from paying the full cost. This includes, but is not limited to: individuals from the BIPOC community, people with disabilities, and other marginalized groups. Apply for our Flexible Cost Program here. !

While we know that this program is hands-down the fastest and best way to feel better in your body and see real change, we know sometimes it can feel like a big step! There are a few alternatives available for you if you want a smaller commitment (but still want to take steps forward in your self-love journey!)

We highly recommend joining our Loyobo Family Community. You can still begin to do the work of re-building your relationship with your body, movement and food. Members of the community get access to weekly coaching calls, our On Demand library which includes movement, mindset and special workshops, fitness classes, a private Facebook group, and more! Book a free Explore call here to see if this is the right fit for you.

Book a one-time Body Breakthrough call with Courtney! This can lay the groundwork for making real, meaningful change in your life. Spend 90 minutes exploring your struggles, creating a vision for your wellness, and determining the next best steps forward. BONUS - if you book this call before the program registration closes and decide you would like to join, Courtney will put your payment towards the price of the program! Book your call here!


If you have any questions, you can email us. We look forward to being a part of your journey!